AIP Charcuterie

I know. I hear you. Sasha. What meat? What cheese? But hear me out. It is really more of a crudité platter. But. There is meat. In the future, I […]

AIP Shirley Temple

The internet alerted me to the existence of a Shirley Temple 7UP. And I immediately lusted after that 7up. But of course it’s not AIP compliant. Know what is though? […]

Best Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti squash, like cauliflower rice, has a moisture problem. Unlike cauliflower rice, you can’t just pan fry the hell out of it to fix it. But the fix isn’t too […]

Air Fryer Shrimp

I ain’t eem finna hold you. I’m only posting this because I need to link back to it for another recipe. But if you need a quick protein, this’ll do […]